adjustment costs

英 [əˈdʒʌstmənt kɒsts] 美 [əˈdʒʌstmənt kɔːsts]

网络  调整成本; 整成本; 理算费用



  1. He has also called for an acceleration of political reforms.
  2. Reform itself could also entail adjustment costs in the transition, with some short run impact on growth.
  3. Do not worry about adjustment costs such as currency, driving on the left and changing plugs.
  4. Second, he argues that currency undervaluation in some developing countries is particularly bad for rivals that let the market set their exchange rate, because they are forced to bear a bigger share of adjustment costs.
  5. To sum up, our side again for the labor costs of policy adjustment costs to be audited, agreed.
  6. Aid for trade can help countries address these supply-side constraints and help countries who need assistance with the transitional adjustment costs associated with trade liberalization.
  7. Of the crisis-affected member countries Ireland has had a uniquely successful adjustment, with a huge depreciation of unit labour costs and a massive adjustment in the external balance.
  8. Trade liberalization forms an increasingly important component in the success of the adjustment programmes that many countries are undertaking, often involving significant transitional social costs.
  9. Production-Capital Asset Pricing Model Based on Adjustment Costs
  10. Fortunately, the short-term adjustment costs are likely to be small and transitory, while the benefits of a stronger and healthier financial system will be there for years to come.
  11. By this I mean both economic adjustment, in terms of unit labour costs and inflation; and fiscal adjustment.
  12. But are not the adjustment costs from this strategy at least as large as those from the "fingers crossed" strategy?
  13. This paper briefly describe the arrangement of relative technology date about the several main machines on the corrugated paperboard units, it is true that strict adjustment and inspection can reduce. the production costs, increase the machine's speed, raise the economic efficiency.
  14. Finally, the author explored the problem of the optimal path of employment and the adjustment costs.
  15. The findings show that the join of numerical simulation technology and strain paths adjustment can shorten the design cycle and reduce the production costs, realizing the optimization of technological parameters of drawing. This will help to determine and optimize the drawing process of complicated shape parts.
  16. Considering the skewness and VaR, we construct the adjustment model of multi-period portfolio with transaction costs.
  17. We also show that neither the strictly convex adjustment costs not the irreversibility of investment are needed for bounded investment.
  18. Then test market timing theory and Inertia theory once again when considering adjustment costs.
  19. According to the plot in animation script, the scene needs to change lighting effect several times, but light adjusting in Maya takes repeated light source adjustment and tentative rendering, which costs lots of time.
  20. In this model, the model input is the variation induced by factors, the conduction process are the contract for analysis of variation processes and the contract price adjustment process, the final output of the composition of the settlement costs.
  21. Particularly, with the growth of enterprises and the increasing complexity of its financial management, the requirements of funds settlement on the adjustment speed, lower internal operating costs and the demand to avoid financial risks have become increasingly prominent.
  22. Agricultural production materials price adjustment directly influence the agricultural products costs, indirectly influence the interests of farmer.
  23. The Sino-US intra-industry trade has been at a relatively low level with a declining trend since China joined to the WTO, which increases the adjustment costs of Sino-US trade and impacts the sustainable development of bilateral trade and economies.
  24. However, these hypotheses were not always satisfied in the actual economy because of the adjustment costs and other factors.
  25. In terms of the transaction cost, division system reform through the integration to reduce rent-seeking academic adjustment of contract to reduce the transaction costs, so as to improve the organization efficiency.
  26. These two channels are interdependent and mutually supportive, the shrinkage and adjustment of functions lead to the administrative costs optimization.
  27. Reasonable AGC capacity reserve and effective AGC control strategy would significantly reduce adjustment costs and strengthen the AGC regulating effect.
  28. In addition, capital structure exist adjustment cost because of asymmetric information and transaction costs.
  29. According to New Trade Theory, the development of intra-industry trade can reduce the economic adjustment costs of trade liberalization among trade partners, can expand the intr-regional trade and can improve the welfare of intra-regional trade partners.